Ariel and Eric - credit: Disney
Disneys Ariel The Little Mermaid
What child (even adult) isn't familiar with the story of Ariel The Little Mermaid and the helpful  nag, Sebastian the Crab.  Remember the song, "Under The Sea?"  The Little Mermaid is a great Disney animated film. But did you think about the good moral lessons it holds?

First we see Ariel letting her father and sisters down by her failing to show for the concert. Instead, Ariel continued to swim to the surface, even though her father told her directly that it was very dangerous.

Ariel's father had some parental lessons to remember, too, such as the importance of clear and attentive communication with a teenager.  After all, teenagers don't know as much as they think they do!

During the first part of the movie, Ariel remained totally focused only on what she wanted.  With no regard for consequences, she charged forth to pursue her own dream at all costs . . . the love of her life, Prince Eric. 

Her father, Titan, didn't handle that at all well, either. In fact, he destroyed Ariel's most prized possessions, including the statue of Eric that had sunk with the ship. He didn't think things through before reacting angrily. 

We all know the consequences... and how the devastated Ariel makes more bad choices. But there are even more lessons along the way to the ending, lessons you don't want to miss.

Ariel The Little Mermaid's story contains important lessons buried within the entertainment as Ariel grows and matures. These valuable life lessons are good to share with your children... and to get the attention of the adults in the household. They are delightfully spelled out in the context of the story in a recent article, Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid - Enchanting With Lessons. Enjoy!
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